Friday, June 12, 2015

My Take: Aftermath

(Or the lack thereof.)

 When I posted to Facebook, and said that I was a brony, I didn't know what to expect. I am happy to report that everyone seems to have had the following reaction:

"Huh. Ok, sure. I could see that."

 So I guess nothing has changed.

 I'm happy that nobody has freaked out or anything, but I guess I'm also a little disappointed too. I had built this up in my head to be a big deal, and it's a little bit of a shock to come back to reality and see that this was nothing to be worried about in the first place.

 I just thank God that it happened in a gentle way, and that He prevented me from embarrassing myself too badly. Lessons have been learned, and I'm better for it.

 Plus, y'know, it's out, and I don't have to worry about hiding it at all anymore.

 It's a good feeling.

I just had a root canal, and I'm both in pain, and on antibiotics. Nothing too bad, but I'm moving a little slow. Regular posts will resume either Monday or Wednesday, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm going to shuffle the schedule a bit, but nothing to the extent of my past changes. Stay tuned.

God bless.

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