Friday, May 29, 2015

Off-Topic: My Little Canine

 I guess I should just make Fridays Off-Topic, and move My Take to another day. Maybe Mondays? I'll think about it.

Written yesterday:

 This afternoon, my mom and I found a lost chihuahua. It didn't have a collar, so we went up and down the street knocking on doors, but nobody could tell us whose it was.

 I was the one who carried the dog as we went door-to-door, and it seems to have taken a liking to me. If we can't find the owner, I may end up keeping it.

 We gave him some food and water, and a lady down the street loaned me a crate to keep him in. He seems to have settled down.

 Written this morning:

 I took the chihuahua down to the animal shelter to get him checked for a microchip. The lady at the shelter couldn't find one, but she took a couple of pictures, and I gave her my phone number in case the owners come looking for him.

 We're still gonna try to find his owners, but he seems to be bonding to me, so I don't think it will be a problem if we end up keeping him.

 I've got a mud run scheduled for tomorrow, but one of my roommates said she would look after him while I'm gone.

 I really hope we find his owner soon. I'm starting to get attached, and it'll be hard to give him up.

Written just now:

 My mom and I have been talking, and it seems like the dog may have been abandoned. He seems pretty clean, and it doesn't look like he's been in any fights, but he's really skinny. He whines whenever I leave the room, and gets really shaky when we take him outside.

 I'm told that if we can't find the owners in ten days then we can consider him ours. We've checked the newspaper, and looked for lost dog posters, but haven't found anything. We may try putting up some posters of our own.

 If we do keep him, he'll be my dog. I told my mom that I'd get him vaccinated and licensed if we don't find the owner. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

 God bless.


  1. I'm an animal control officer. People call with found dogs all the time. A few more suggestions I would offer:
    Post on Facebook and ask people to cross post. There are even Facebook page is dedicated to Lost and Found animals.
    Check Craigslist. For some reason, people under 30 post everything on Craigslist and never call animal control. Look under the Lost and Found section, not Pets. If you don't see the animal, post a found animal ad. You don't have to give all the details if you are afraid of unsavory characters. It's okay to say "please describe to claim" in the ad.

    1. Thanks for the advice. We checked out local lost and found pages on Facebook, Craigslist and elsewhere, and still found nothing. As for Facebook, I don't know anyone local who uses it, and none of the groups I tried to join to post there got back to me. With when and where we found him, we think one of our neighbors left him when they moved. I'll still be keeping an eye out, but it doesn't seem like anyone's looking.


Keep it clean, keep it polite.