Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Off-Topic: My Eating Problem

 So, I have a problem. Most days, I don't eat breakfast, and barely eat lunch. It's not that I'm trying to lose weight, or fasting, or trying to prove something; I just straight up forget to eat. The problem is that I'm already underweight.

 I have bad teeth, so I've been trying to cut back on sugary foods (soda mostly), but with my metabolism, I need a bigger intake of calories in general, and fattening foods in particular, but with my sensitive system, I have to be careful how much sugar, grease, and food dyes I eat. Combine all that with a milk sensitivity, and the whole thing is kind of messed up.

 I'm probably eating better than the majority of Americans, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to increase how much I eat. I wouldn't call my deal an eating disorder; that's overselling it.

 Regardless, I hope that by writing this out, I can get it though my head that I need to pay attention to how much I eat. Maybe I can start budgeting for more fast food? I don't know.

 Sorry for the short, rambling post. This hasn't been a good week for writing. I'll try to have a longer post on Friday. I haven't even started on the Adventure Time Impressions thing, so don't expect that for a while, If at all.

 In other news, I'm thinking about joining Tumblr. I've already started to expand into other popular websites; what's one more?

 God bless

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