Monday, July 20, 2015

My Take: Who I am

 My credo, personal goals, and beliefs can be summed up very simply.

 My credo: How can I help?

 My goal: Be better.

 My beliefs: He gave His life; How can I do any less?

 Of course, nothing is that simple, but if I start with those, I think I'll do alright.

 Sorry that this one's so short. My planned post for today didn't get done on time. I'll have it ready for Wednesday.

 Speir's birthday party was way smaller and quieter than expected, but it was still good. Those of us who were there had a chance to just sit and talk for a while, which was nice. Plus, I got to know Lawrence Walles a little better. Even so, some of the others are still stressing about having nobody show up.

  As a present to himself, Speir got an Xbox One. I had a chance to play it, and I think I will go with Microsoft over Sony after all. It's not anything; he's just the third of my friends to get one, and I can live with it.

 I'm still dealing with my teeth, my dog, my work situation, my living situation, and a hundred other things. Going forward, posts may be late by as much as a day. Sorry, but as much as I love MLP and blogging, they're not the most important things in my life at this point.

 Thank you for your patience, and for reading.

 God bless.

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