Friday, July 17, 2015

My 9 favorite MLP songs

Here are my 9 favorite songs from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls.

Why not 10? While I like many of the other songs in the franchise, too many were in the running for #10. And I don't like Winter Wrap Up as much as everyone else seems to. Flame on? 

If you want to listen to these as a playlist, head over to YouTube or Soundcloud.

 In descending order:

1: This Day Aria (part 1)

A hero/villain duet, unusual in that both are female. Princess Cadence's love for Shining Armor is clearly seen, without feeling forced. Lyrically and musically, this is one of the strongest songs in the series.

2: Art of the Dress

Also lyrically strong. Contrasting the original with the reprise basically gives you the episode in a nutshell. Captures Rarity's personality very well. She's prissy, perfectionist, and very concerned with appearance, but will work herself to exhaustion to make her friends happy.

3: The Perfect Stallion

Brief, but high energy and entertaining. Showcases some of the variety in character designs that was lacking in the first season, but started appearing in the second. Also a good song for the CMC; something severely lacking until this point.

4: Under Our Spell

A pure villain song; the only one in the series so far (I don't count duets, reprises, mind control or trickery). Showcases Rainbow Rocks different style of music. I sincerely hope that this indicates the music in the franchise is becoming more diverse (the Remixed album points in that direction).

5: Babs Seed/Bad Seed

More in the style of child pop than the typical ballads up to this point. Another indicator that the franchise is branching out. I'll admit, I didn't like this one the first couple times I heard it, but it's grown on me. Maybe pop is taking over my brain.

6: Battle (of the Bands)

Nope. Electronic rock forever! A good establishing moment for the Dazzlings. Especially disturbing for me, because the whole thing is so dang catchy. I have a feeling that I would be taken in by them even without dark magic. That thought disturbs me more than I can say.

7: Apples to the Core

Back to something more typical for the series, here's a catchy, folksy song about being loyal to and loving your family. They even make Pinkie feel welcome! This is the first time we hear Big Mac(best pony) sing, even if it's as a backing vocalist. Will he ever get a solo song?

8:Evil Enchantress

The earliest example on this list. Nothing really special, but hearing "Flutterguy" sing a song by Pinkie Pie is hilarious.

9: Find a Pet

A bouncy melody that varies in speed. I won't claim that this is one of the best songs in the series, but it is one of my favorites.

Honorable Mentions:

Pony Pokey

Hilarious, but more for the scenes that accompany it than for the song itself. Otherwise, a pretty typical "Pinkie Party" song.

My Past is Not Today

Musically and lyrically weak, yet there is something in Sunset Shimmer's rejection of despair that gives me chills.

What do you think? Did I hit all the right notes, or am I off-key? Which MLP songs are your favorites?

 I go back in for more dental work today. I don't know how long it will take, but I hope it's a quick appointment. I've been feeling poorly over the last couple days, and I pray that it's just the antibiotics I've been on.

 One of my friends, Speir, has his birthday tomorrow. He's not an MLP fan, but he's been a good friend for a long time. I don't think I'll make a post, but I may surprise myself. We're having a get together for him on Sunday. Lawrence Walles is going to be there, so I'll get a chance to talk to him about a lot of things.

Also on Sunday, Adventure Time season 5 comes out on DVD.(it appears I was in error, Season 5 is already out. Why does this keep happening?) Adventure Time is probably the only cartoon I like more than Friendship is Magic, so season 2 of MLP will probably go on the back burner.

God bless.

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