Friday, August 21, 2015

I'm Back (again)

 I guess a week off was enough. Even with everything else going on, I had started to miss blogging. I think I'm hooked.

 I tend to put too much pressure on myself, so going forward I'm going to try to be more relaxed. I'll still try to post Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but I may miss a day here or there if I'm not inspired.

 You've probably noticed a few changes across all my profiles, specifically the change of my profile picture, and removal of the idea that I'm strictly a brony blogger. I had some time to think this week, and I realized I'd been suppressing most of my nerd tendencies for no reason. So, going forward, I'll be making more posts about stuff I like besides MLP.

 Don't get me wrong, I still love the show and the fandom, but it's not the only thing I love. I've always been a nerd, but have never really had a good outlet. I feel that by making this change, I will be able to express myself better, which I think will make me happier.

 With that said, I'm finally starting to make moves to get to know some other fans of MLP, so the number of posts about it might actually increase, depending on how things go.

 On that subject, is anyone in the California central valley or bay area free on the 30th of this month? I'm having a low-key meetup at a Starbucks near my house. Details can be found here or here. TL;DR version: August 30th. Starbucks in Manteca, near the Costco. 2168 Daniels St, just off of highway 120. 10:00 am to 11:30 am. I'm most likely free for lunch afterward.

 If you want, you can email me at, and we can talk details.
 If your interested, but can't make it, let me know and I'll set up an additional day/place & time.

 Beyond that, I'm still looking for a job, am looking at getting a new computer, need a car but can't afford one, am almost done with my dental work, and am thinking about setting up either a local brony group or an animation fan group. Thoughts?

 I think that covers everything I've missed. If you're ever going to be in or around Manteca, let me know and we can figure something out.

 God bless.

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