Friday, September 18, 2015

Off-topic: Life is Good

 Two weeks ago, I had no idea what I was doing.

 Last week, I said, "Ok, I know what car I'm going to get, but there's a bunch of stuff I'll need to get done."

 Today I have my car, all the registration and insurance has been taken care of, my new laptop's on it's way, and I'm going to get an Xbox One tomorrow. On top of that, I have more money left in the bank than I expected, and my car insurance is relatively cheap.

 Life is good.

 Bible Study started back up on Tuesday, and God already gave me some revaluations. He's been speaking to me very clearly over the past month, and I'm excited and a little scared of what He's got planned for me. Not "oh my goodness, whatever will I do!" scared; more like butterflies-in-the-stomach scared.

 God is good.

 I'm still planning on moving somewhere, and Reno may or may not be where I go, but I'm taking nothing for granted. I'm still looking for jobs here, and I may work somewhere for the holidays, like I did last year.

 We'll see.

 I'm looking at conventions here in California, and it looks like I'll be going to BabsCon in April of next year. I already have a ride and a room, and I just need to buy my ticket. Aside from that, I will most likely be at Sac-Con on October 25, and I might make it to some other cons soon.

 Again, we'll see.

 My brother is going to let me borrow his guitar, and I had a good long talk with the guy at a music store near my house. I'm going to be trying to learn to play, so we'll see how that goes.

 Wish me luck.

 Once I get my computer, I'm going to download Source Film Maker, and start playing around with it. It might take me a while, but I really do want to start making videos. This is something I've been wanting to do for a while, but never had a chance to until now.

 Also on the agenda is finding people to play video games with. I'm on a couple of forums with other gamers, so that might happen sooner rather than later. If you're interested, links to my profiles are below.

 So, like I said, life is good.

 My dog is currently curled up in a blanket on my lap, and it's a LIKE SO ADORABLE, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW kind of thing. But I don't have my phone on me, and getting it would require disturbing him, so NO PICTURES!

 I've been in a very odd mood lately; much more playful and silly than I normally am, even on good days. Am I more Pinkamena than Maud? Weird.

 As promised, here's my gaming usernames. Send me a friend request, and we'll find something to play once I have my computer/xbox.

 Storm Lantern on Steam.

 StormLantern1st on Xbox Live.

 God bless.

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